Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cold morning

This morning was rather cold, but I went out to start Bonnie regardless. After all, having spent a whole week in the cold, it was time for a little warm up. Apparently I primed the fuel pump a bit too much, letting too much gas in the carburettor prematurely. Nothing terrible, it all burned off quite quickly:

I've always known that flames and smoke came out of the carburettor when the engine is cold. This generally happens if I accelerate too hard on a cold engine. However I had never seen it in person before, so when my girlfriend jumped back the other day while I was starting the engine, and she then filmed what happened, I must say I was quite surprised. Regardless, I'm getting a new (more regular) fuel-pump as soon as possible.

Here's a freeze-frame of the large flame:

Apparently I had no idea what I was doing. The problem is mis-firing, where a not enough fuel is being ignited, and it all goes off in one go (hence the stalling). The fix: new spark plugs (actually, just changing the spark plug wires does a lot already) and adjusting the timing.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Nu heb je iets waar je letterlijk warm van wordt.